Imperialism: Trivia

    Imperialism: Trivia

      For those of you that are of drinking age, next time you go to your favorite watering hole, go ahead and order a Cuba Libre. It means "Free Cuba," referencing the Cuban revolutionaries and American troops that fought the Spanish during the Spanish-American War. Order one and you'll feel like a revolutionary too. (Source)

      Being the totally manly-man that he was, Teddy Roosevelt really topped the macho-meter when he was shot in the chest while giving a speech in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Did he go to the hospital like any other mortal man? No way. He kept giving his speech anyways. He even reportedly stated that, "It takes more than one bullet to kill a moose." (Source)

      But on the other hand, Teddy Roosevelt was also super self-conscious about his manly image. He was picked on as a kid—often for being scrawny and weak. So as an adult he, dressed up like a cowboy and staged photographs of himself with fake backdrops of exotic locales.

      But who hasn't done this? Sounds like an average Saturday night here at Shmoop. (Source)

      The 1896 presidential election (i.e., William McKinley vs. William Jennings Bryan Part I) was the first time in the history of presidential elections that big businesses got involved by backing certain candidates. Our poor William Jennings Bryan lost that one.

       And the next one. 

      And the next one too.

      Maybe Bryan should have rethought his stance on that whole Free Silver Debate? (Source)