A Left-Handed Commencement Address: Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Sentence)

Quote #4

Maybe we've had enough words of power and talk about the battle of life. Maybe we need some words of weakness. (15-16)

She goes on to say that using "words of weakness" will be talking like a woman in public, and that it'll sound all wrong. But her "words of weakness" involve wishing that the graduates go on to have children—if they want them. How are those words of weakness?

Quote #5

Instead of saying now that I hope you will all go forth from this ivory tower of college into the Real World and forge a triumphant career or at least help your husband to and keep our country strong and be a success in everything – instead of talking about power, what if I talked like a woman right here in public? It won't sound right. It's going to sound terrible. (17-19)

So, using her argument, women don't speak about power or success. Do you find this to be true? Are there gendered conversational topics?