Homecoming Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Homecoming.

Abandonment Quotes

Momma must have gone away on purpose. (But she loved them, loved them all.) Why else the addresses on the bags? Why else tell them to mind Dicey? (Mothers didn't do things like going off. It was cr...

Family Quotes

"Do you remember him?" James insisted. "A little." "Tell," Maybeth asked. Dicey gathered together her few memories, like scattered marbles. "He was tall and dark-haired, with hazel eyes...

Fear Quotes

They hadn't planned this properly. They hadn't planned it at all. Dicey couldn't see how they'd make it to Bridgeport, and a cold panic settled in her stomach. There was nothing for it though, was...

Home Quotes

The children could look back and see their own car, green and lonely, in the middle of the parking lot. It was kind of like a home, the car, Dicey thought. She understood why Sammy wanted to st...

Lies and Deceit Quotes

"You lost?" "Naw. I'm making a phone call." "Where do you live?" "Just over there," Dicey said, pointing vaguely with her free hand. "Go home and call from there. Run along now. If...

Mental Illness Quotes

"Is Momma crazy?" Dicey turned her head to look at him. "The kids said so, at school. And the way the teachers looked at me and loaned me their own books and talked to me. And Maybeth. Craz...

Religion Quotes

James flicked his eyes over the cemetery. "We're all gonna die, you know." Dicey nodded. "Not for a long time." "Do you think Momma's dead?" "I don't know. How could I know that?" "...

Youth Quotes

"I don't trust anyone," Dicey said. "It's what you said, kids have no rights. So we have to be extra careful." "Why don't kids have any rights?" James asked. "Because parents own them," Lou...