Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.

Quote #4

LITTLE RUSS: Dad, you know that weights aren't my thing. 

BIG RUSS: Fishing isn't your thing. Weights aren't your thing. Just what is your thing? 

LITTLE RUSS: I don't know, but I'll keep you posted, okay?

There's nothing wrong with a teenager being a little bit unsure about his or her identity. That's a natural part of growing up. On the other hand, there is plenty wrong with parents pushing their own expectations on their kids and responding with disappointment when they fail to accept them.

Quote #5

BUSINESSMAN: You, Mr. Szalinski, are hardly Einstein.

Ouch. Wayne's failed presentation of his as-of-yet unproven shrink ray at a scientific conference represents his fears of failure being realized.

Quote #6

WAYNE: I failed, Diane. I'm just going to get my old job back. If I can get my old job back.

After his failed presentation, Wayne resigns himself to giving up on his personal passion projects and rejoining the rat race. That's one bitter pill to swallow for a free-thinker like him.