Honey, I Shrunk the Kids Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Honey, I Shrunk the Kids.

Quote #4

[Little Russ jumps on the back of a bee that has taken Nick away.]

We were a bit skeptical of Little Russ' motivations at first, but the kid literally risks his life to save Nick from the clutches of a killer bee. That's going above and beyond the call of duty.

Quote #5

RON: It's just that my dad doesn't understand your dad. 

AMY: Your dad doesn't understand anything.

The relationship between Wayne Szalinski and Big Russ Thompson and their respective kids mirrors one another. In fact, we'd say that this gives the kids something in common: an often disconnected relationship to their dads.

Quote #6

AMY: That was great, what you did for Nick. 

NICK: What about you, Amy? He saved you too. 

AMY: Yeah, I know, Nick.

The friendship between the Szalinski and Thompson kids grows a great deal after Little Russ puts himself at risk to protect the others. Some things are more important than the eternal battle between science and sports.