Hope Was Here Theme of Abandonment

Nobody's had it easy in this book. Many of the major characters in Hope Was Here have had a family member walk out on them. Hope's mother left her five minutes after the umbilical cord was cut; Addie's husband ran off with a dental hygienist; Addie and Hope's friend and employer absconded with the money and the waitress from the Blue Box diner; and Braverman's dad walked out on his family.

While the three of them suffer from one of the classic symptoms of having been deserted—fear of getting close to someone too soon—it doesn't ruin their chances of forming friendships and finding love. They've all turned into adaptable, independent people. Still, they're all looking for someone to fill the void.

Questions About Abandonment

  1. Would Hope have become such a strong, resilient woman if her mother had raised her?
  2. What sacrifices did Braverman have to make after his dad walked out on the family? How does this affect his relationship with Hope?
  3. Why does Hope fantasize for so long about her biological father showing up at her doorstep one day even though Deena claims she has no idea who the guy is?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Hope, Addie, and Braverman each have an inner strength that kicks in when life gets tough as a result of being abandoned by someone they loved.

G.T. had been a widow before marrying Addie. Losing someone you love when he or she dies is a form of abandonment, and can hurt just as much as when the person you love chooses to leave.