Hope Was Here Chapter 10 Summary

  • The office at the back of the diner has been turned into campaign headquarters/daycare central. G.T.'s given Lou Ellen the okay to bring her young daughter, Anastasia, to work with her. Doctors have diagnosed the baby with developmental problems and want Lou Ellen to keep a close eye on the little girl's progress.
  • G.T. hits the campaign hard, giving impromptu speeches against Sid Vole's advice.
  • G.T. doesn't believe in writing speeches; he says he relies on God to put the right words in his mouth, even if the words focus on G.T.'s impending physical demise.
  • Braverman's 10-year-old twin sisters are in the back room playing with Anastasia, but the baby shows no interest.
  • Braverman tries to make everyone laugh by juggling a few potatoes. Anastasia remains expressionless, but Hope melts when Braverman grins at her.
  • Sid Vole tells the kids they need to reach out to everyone they know and tell them why they should support G.T. They form "Students for Stoop" and start spreading the word.
  • Hope reaches out to Addie first, who admits that she's not too happy that G.T.'s putting politics ahead of his health.
  • Nevertheless, Addie also admits that she's been quietly supporting his campaign by baking extra goodies and sending them to the back office every day.
  • Jillian shows up at Hope's place (the two have become friends) super excited to show her the website she's designed for Students for Stoop.
  • She needs something for the website and asks Hope for a quote. She has no idea what to say until Jillian asks her why she thinks G.T. should be mayor.
  • Hope doesn't have to think about this one. She replies that he's totally honest and fair, and he cares about everyone.
  • Jillian has an opinion of her own to share: she thinks Hope and Braverman would make a great couple; there's an obvious chemistry between the two.
  • Hope says she doesn't date people she works with (words of wisdom Deena once shared with her) and tries to hide the sound of her rapidly beating heart.
  • Jillian continues to sing Braverman's praises and explains that the guy put off his plans for college in order to take care of his sick mother and his younger sisters (Braverman's dad walked out them).
  • Hope turns to mush when Jillian tells her that Braverman likes her. Likes likes her.
  • She heads downstairs to the diner to see if it's really true.
  • Hope piles on the compliments but Braverman reacts with as much emotion as the carrots he's chopping.