Hope Was Here Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Page Number)

Quote #1

But my mom, Deena, left me with two things. One I kept—her gift of waitressing; the other I threw away—the name she gave me at birth, which, I swear, was Tulip. (6)

Why does Hope use the words "threw away" rather than "changed" when referring to her birth name?

Quote #2

Harrison commenting that motherhood should be like driving a car—you should have to pass a test before you get to do it legally. (10)

Hope's mother Deena didn't even bother to apply for a learner's permit. She seemed content to leave the driving to Addie.

Quote #3

Addie said even though my mother hardly came around, she was still an important part of my life, and it was up to me to save and remember the things she passed on. (42)

Would Hope have been better off ignoring Addie's advice? Were the waitressing tips Deena passed on really worth the trouble of having to watch her dash in and out of Hope's life?