Family Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Did [Jamie] have someone to sing to him at night? To tell him stories? (15.63)

Wanda develops a motherly instinct about Jamie, even though he's a little too old for lullabies and bedtime stories. As though he's her child, he'll always be a little boy in her eyes. (Are we allowed to roll our eyes a little?)

Quote #5

My reaction was instantaneous and unthinking. I skittered to one side of the tunnel, sweeping Jamie along with one arm so that I was between him and whatever was coming for me. (20.125)

When Jamie is in danger, Wanda's maternal instinct kicks in automatically. This instance is kind of like when your mom stops the car suddenly and puts her arm in front of you even though you're wearing a seat belt. Whether you need protection or not (in this case, Jamie doesn't) your mom (or the alien who thinks she's your mother) is there to provide it, unconditionally.

Quote #6

The mysterious bond of mother and child [...] was not a mystery to me any longer. There was no bond greater than one that required your life for another's. (21.115)

Hm, this sounds a lot like the bond between alien and host, to us. And it makes us think about the way Renesmee is, like, literally killing Bella in Breaking Dawn. Think Stephenie has some issues around motherhood?