Love Quotes in The Host

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Perhaps you should open your eyes and look around for [love] specifically. It might do you a lot of good." (6.27)

This statement contrasts with the Comforter's earlier "love happens" idea. Is it possible to go looking for love and find it? Or do you have to wait until it finds you?

Quote #5

It's just like pain, this pleasure. (8.60)

If we were making a soundtrack to the book, this scene would have to be set to "Hurts So Good." And then we might take Wanda in for some counseling.

Quote #6

My heart faltered and then beat unevenly, and I wanted to laugh at myself. Did it matter that [Jared] was beautiful, that I loved him, when he was going to kill me? (14.15)

Melanie's emotions make Wanda think irrational thoughts. Jared hates Wanda and wants to kill her, yet she can't help but swoon over him. Get it together, girl, and stay away from him!