hush Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Who would I be in an airless room? Who am I now? A bug on the wall. Today I am the younger daughter. The quieter one. The one who will stay a while longer. Today I am Spider, Hey Evie, what's up?, Daddy Longlegs, Ms. Thomas. Daddy's daughter. A child of God. Silly. Pretty. Skinny. Some of these things—I'll still be tomorrow. (27.10)

Most of these things don't have anything to do with the relocation—Toswiah/Evie was many of these things in Colorado, and she continues to be them in the Northeast. Can you make a list of things that would be part of your identity even if you were in Toswiah/Evie's situation? It gets right to the heart of who you are.