hush Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around hush? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why is Toswiah's name special to her?

It's her grandmother's name.
Lulu loves it.
She got to choose it herself.
She's the only person with that name.
Q. Where does Toswiah get her new name?

Mama and Daddy pick it out.
It comes from a jump rope rhyme.
It sounds like Daddy's name.
It's the name of her favorite singer.
Q. Who's the first person to make the name Evie sound friendly?

Coach Leigh
Q. Toswiah/Evie gets her nickname, Spider, because of her…

long legs.
tendency to hide in corners.
long arms.
Q. Toswiah/Evie has trouble adjusting to the fact that…

there's another girl in her class named Toswiah.
she has to learn to call her parents by new names.
Cameron/Anna doesn't like her new name.
Grandma doesn't have to pick a new name.