Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Can an AI become... human? (5.935)

This is another "what is the essence of humanity?" questions. If Furby is alive, can robots be human? And if we can't be apart from our smartphones for more than five minutes, does that make us robots?

Quote #8

[Johnny] showed no expression now but I could imagine what it must be like to be facing imminent destruction of one's personality and previous existence. Even if the transfer worked, the human with the John Keats persona would not be "Johnny" (5.1052)

How would life and existence be different if your consciousness existed in cyberspace? Would you still care about the same things?

Quote #9

If a species attempted series competition with humanity's intellect, that species would be extinct before the first farcasters opened in-system. (6.479)

One of the darkest parts of human nature is that we tend to kill, in various ways, those who compete with us. That's survival of the fittest taken to the extreme with fatal results.