War Quotes in Hyperion

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Those were the mathematics of the first minutes of the Battle of Bressia. For Kassad, the memory of those days and weeks held not mathematics, but the terrible beauty of combat. (2.292)

The people pushing the buttons might think of war as a numbers game and the men who are lost as statistics. For soldiers, it's much, much more than that.

Quote #5

Warfare had been thrown back to the twentieth or twenty-first century: long, grim campaigns fought through the brick dust of ruined cities over the corpses of civilians. (2.296)

Even with satellite lasers and nuclear charges, sometimes war resorts to hand-to-hand combat, dirty and brutal. Guess there's always going to be a need for martial arts training.

Quote #6

Only the grim resolve of Meina Gladstone and a dozen other determined senators kept the war alive and the troops dying. (2.296)

Notice how it's always the people in charge who keep the battles going, rather than the soldiers putting their lives on the line