Appearances Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

When I made the Murder squad, I had already had my new work clothes […] hanging in my wardrobe for almost a year. (1.18)

Rob subscribes to the strategy of "dress for the job you want, not the job you have." So he dresses like a murder detective, which in this case involves blue pinstripes and cashmere scarves. Who knew murder detectives were so cuddly?

Quote #2

[Cassie] wasn't dressed like a Murder detective. […] She was wearing combat trousers and a wine-colored woolen sweater with sleeves that came down past her wrists, and clunky runners. (1.28, 1.29)

Wait, are you saying that Cassie got the job maybe—gasp—based on actual skills and not on how she looked? No, that can't be true.

Quote #3

"Everything she's wearing is blue and white, right down to the hair elastics. This kid coordinated." (2.76)

Katy is one of those murder victims that is just perfect for the media—she's a young girl and she dresses well. Her color-coordination speaks to her personality type, too, though. She wants to be a dancer and she takes care of her appearance. A girl who comes from an abusive household might be more likely to look like a total mess.