Women and Femininity Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

For one thing [Cassie] was a woman, which caused a certain amount of poorly sublimated outrage. (1.22)

Rob mentions that the Murder Squad—heck, most of Ireland, in fact—is still stuck in the 1950s in some way. This removes the Sepia tint nostalgia of the novel's opening scene, and replaces it with a reminder of 1950s Mad Men-era misogyny and discrimination.

Quote #2

Cassie was only the fourth woman Murder had taken on. (1.22)

The police force in Ireland (and probably everywhere, all over the world) is a total boys' club, so Cassie faces an uphill battle for respect from her superiors and her peers from the very beginning.

Quote #3

The grapevine claimed, inevitably, that [Cassie] was sleeping with someone important, or alternatively that she was someone's illegitimate daughter. (1.23)

This is mentioned around the time that we're told "Cassie was only twenty-eight." So are these remarks ageist, sexist, or a little bit of both –ists?