Jealousy Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Men like [Mark]—men who are obviously interested purely in what they think of other people, not in what other people think of them—have always made me violently insecure. (2.40)

Violently insecure, yes, and jealous, too. Jealous of how Cassie doesn't seem to hate Mark and is the object of her attention… even though she's only paying attention to him because Mark is the subject of a murder interrogation.

Quote #2

"Please, Ryan, do us both a favor and grow up; you know exactly what I mean. [Rosalind] smiles at inappropriate times, and, as you spotted, she wasn't wearing a bra." (4.57)

Cassie doesn't say these things because she's jealous of Rosalind (unlike Rob who tries to pin the blame on Mark, whom he's jealous of). But Rob acts as though Cassie is jealous of Rosalind, because he (Rob) is the type to be jealous over something so silly.

Quote #3

I checked the interview room: Mark was writing, and Cassie had managed to make him laugh. […] Apparently they were managing to get by without me. (6.134)

"Apparently." That one word makes us think that Rob is furious that Cassie is making Mark laugh. Why isn't she making Rob laugh, huh? What about him?