Manipulation Quotes in In The Woods

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I flirt with her at first, telling her I can see why he would want to stay home when he's got her. (1.2)

Rob's primary interrogation tactic—one that many cops, at least those on the Dublin Murder Squad use—it to manipulate their subject to get him closer and closer to a confession.

Quote #2

"Please let me stay," Rosalind said, lifting her chin. "Katy was my sister—whatever happened to her, I can… I can listen to it." (3.147)

Even though we don't know it yet, in Chapter 3, this is Rosalind already starting to be manipulative. She's pretending to care for her sister, but all she really wants to know is exactly what the cops know, and to find out if Damien did exactly what she wanted him to.

Quote #3

You get people like this in every investigation, people who end up wasting huge amounts of your time with their compulsion to say whatever they think you want to hear. (3.210)

Sometimes people tell cops what they think they want to hear in order to get them to do what they want, but it seems likely to us that sometimes people tell cops what they think they want to hear because, um, cops carry guns and have a ton of power.