In The Woods Trivia

Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge

Fans are obsessed with the 1984 crime, which goes unsolved in In the Woods. They're more determined than Rob to find out who did it, as evidenced by an Amazon message board discussion that has hundred of posts. Some of the theories are delightfully ridiculous, including that Willy Little's mother did it. (Source.)

French didn't even think about writing a novel until, well, she wrote one. It's like it just fell out of her brain and onto the page that way. Lucky (okay, and hard-working) duck. (Source.)

Clues, a journal of detective fiction, devoted its Spring 2014 volume to the works of French. Was it Col. Mustard in the Conservatory with the lead pipe? No, it was Tana French with her computer, in the woods. (Source.)