Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.

Quote #1

WILLIE: I hate the water, and I hate being wet, and I hate you!

We need to put emphasis on the "man" in "man and the natural world." Indy, who's an archeologist and male, is comfortable with anything nature throws at him. The one woman in this movie is not a fan of nature.

Quote #2

[Willie puts perfume on an elephant, which knocks her into the water.]

Willie is comically inept when it comes to anything nature. You'd think she's never been outside in her life the way she acts. She teaches us to leave animals alone and let them do their business.

Quote #3

INDY: Those aren't big birds, sweetheart. They're giant vampire bats.

We don't think there are any cuddly animals in the jungles of India. It seems like everything might kill you at a moment's notice.