Awe and Amazement Quotes in Jurassic Park

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"We are just strange, smelly objects in their environment." (4.33.44)

The dinosaurs think less of people than people do of them. This is a rather ominous observation, considering what's going to go down in the rest of the novel.

Quote #8

It was Hammond. He sounded like the voice of God. (4.43.34)

In case you missed it, Hammond thinks of himself as a kind of god. Hammond is a short man, but his wealth and manner give him a commanding presence. He uses it when it suits him.

Quote #9

"Ugly, aren't they. Truly ugly." (6.50.4)

Malcolm isn't overflowing with awe and wonder when raptors are close to killing him. He just sees them as, you know, killers.