Man and the Natural World Quotes in Jurassic Park

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Jurassic Park is not the real world. It is intended to be a controlled world that only imitates the natural world." (3.22.91)

Malcolm and Wu are on the same page here: Jurassic Park isn't reality. While Wu believes his creation can be controlled, Malcolm knows better. Just because it's not "real" doesn't mean you can control it.

Quote #5

Tim noticed the fences and retaining walls were screened by greenery to heighten the illusion of moving through real jungle. (3.23.20)

This illusion is difficult to maintain. Jurassic Park is part zoo, part amusement park, part resort. The "naturalness" of Jurassic Park is an illusion.

Quote #6

"This stegosaur is a hundred million years old. It isn't adapted to our world." (3.27.77)

The Stegosaur has difficulty breathing. The other animals suffer from their own ailments. The climate, weather, and ecosystem of Jurassic Park do not capture the realities of their true, natural habitats, no matter how much effort the park employees put in to make Jurassic Park "authentic." The dinosaurs being sick is a warning sign that things are not going according to plan.