Jurassic Park Scene 10 Summary

  • Time for dinner. Maybe it's leftovers from the raptors' lunch?
  • Dr. Sattler seems to have lost her appetite and Dr. Malcolm thinks Jurassic Park is very dangerous and against nature.
  • Hammond thinks that's a "Luddite attitude," though.
  • Dr. Sattler wonders how Hammond can control an extinct ecosystem.
  • Hammond appeals to Dr. Grant for an ally, but Grant doesn't have any idea about what to expect from dinosaurs and man trying to interact with each other.
  • This lovely dinner is interrupted by word that some visitors have arrived.
  • Hammond rushes out to greet them—it's his grandchildren, a boy and a girl.
  • Dr. Sattler is excited to see children, but Dr. Grant? Well, not so much.