Jurassic Park Scene 25 Summary

  • Oh no, Sattler isn't quickly approaching the circuit breakers—Hammond is incapable of reading a map and instead leads her to a dead end.
  • Malcolm takes the radio and tells Sattler to follow the piping.
  • She finds the giant power box and all its buttons.
  • First, Sattler must pump up the primer handle to charge the box, and then she needs to press a green button.
  • All the circuits come on, and the alarm on the fence starts to blare.
  • Tim, who climbed down a tree faster than a monkey on speed, is climbing down the fence super slowly.
  • For maximum dramatic effect, the "Perimeter Fence" button is the last one.
  • Grant tells Tim to jump, but he's too scared.
  • Sattler pushes the button, and the electricity blows Tim off the fence into Grant's arms.
  • He isn't breathing…
  • In the maintenance shed, a Velociraptor jumps out at Sattler. If Tim didn't just pee his pants, she definitely did.
  • She runs, shutting the dino behind a gate, and sags into a corner to catch her breath.
  • Ray lays a comforting hand on her shoulder. Ah…
  • Oh wait, it's not that comforting, because it's just a bloody stump. Ack. The raptors must have eaten the rest of him, like they did the movie's other black guy. Now that's a dead end.