Jurassic Park Scene 15 Summary

  • Dennis is ready to make his escape, but he only has a few minutes to make it to the boat before the storm hits.
  • He says he's going to the soda machine and rambles a lot about debugging the phones and compiling the system so it might go down a bit and no this doesn't sound suspicious at all.
  • Yep, all the door security systems soon shut down, giving Dennis Nedry an easy way into the cold storage embryo chamber, where he crams all the unborn dinos into his Barbasol can.
  • As thunder and lightning strike, the tour vehicles trundle back to the visitor's center…but they're electric, so they shut down, too. Uh-oh…this can't be good.
  • No, no, definitely not good. The electric fences go out, too.
  • Nedry manually opens the park gates and drives his Jeep inside.
  • Ray checks the status of the park at Nedry's workstation, relieved to discover the raptor fences are still on.
  • Seems he only needed to turn some of them off to make his escape to the dock.
  • Ray tries to access the main program grid, but Nedry has put in a blocking program.
  • Hammond wonders where the vehicles stopped…
  • There's a goat there, still waiting to be eaten…the T. rex must be hungry.