Jurassic Park Science Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Jurassic Park.

Quote #1

DR. ALAN GRANT: Maybe dinosaurs have more in common with present-day birds than they did with reptiles.

Jurassic Park suggested that dinosaurs were related to birds, but it still portrayed dinosaurs as scaly, giant lizards. Today it is believed that dinosaurs may have had feathers, like birds (source).

Quote #2

DR. ALAN GRANT: We could just tear up the rule book on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply. They're totally wrong. This is a warm-blooded creature.

Scientists today still argue over whether or not dinosaurs are warm-blooded, cold-blooded, or somewhere in between (source).

Quote #3

JOHN HAMMOND (on video): It's all part of the miracle of cloning.

Jurassic Park talked about cloning in 1993 as if it was no big deal, but it wasn't until 1996 that science cloned its first mammal: Dolly the Sheep, which lived almost seven years.