Love Quotes in Little Bee (The Other Hand)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Ask her to leave, Lawrence had said. But no, no, I couldn't. We were joined by what had happened on the beach. Getting rid of her would be like losing a part of me. (4.465)

Sarah is beginning to love Little Bee like she's family. Lawrence's desire to see Little Bee go makes some readers not love him so much.

Quote #5

"Your mummy saved my life, did you know that? She saved me from the baddies." (5.197)

Little Bee wants Charlie to understand what a special, loving person Sarah is. Although some readers don't like Sarah for various reasons, she's a superhero to Little Bee. Also, who knows when Charlie last heard something nice about his mom? We gather Andrew wasn't exactly lavishing her with praise and compliments. Little Bee is giving a gift, helping Charlie love his mother by showing that she is loved.

Quote #6

"If you want me to stay, this is how it will be between us. […] But while I am here […] I will love you as if you were my mother and I will love Charlie as if he was my brother." (5.211)

Little Bee has a calm and devoted love for Sarah and Charlie. Her conflict over whether or not staying with Sarah is best for Sarah suggests that her motives are pretty pure.