Love Quotes in Little Bee (The Other Hand)

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Handing out in flight meals in a plane crash. That's what our affair was meant to be. (6.147)

Sarah's observation suggests that her life is already on the verge of disaster when she starts the affair. She gets the metaphor from Little Bee, who heard it from a doctor in the detention center. He was using it to refer to the services being provided to the refugees in the center.

Quote #8

But to really escape from Andrew, to really become myself, I had to go the whole way and fall in love. (6.148)

Love, of course, is defined differently for each person. Since her affair with Lawrence isn't the focal point of the novel, we don't get a deep sense of their relationship. Or, at the very least, their relationship seems shallow. At the same time, Sarah's comment does suggest she loves him, whatever that love means to her.

Quote #9

Because we still haven't done enough to save her, Charlie. I thought we had, but we need to do more. And we will do more, darling. We will. We won't ever give up on Little Bee. Because she is part of our family now. (11.215)

At the end of the novel, Sarah has surrendered to loving Little Bee. It's so ironic that Little Bee, one of the most loveable people ever, is so dangerous to love at the same time. Sarah is also trying hard to teach her son what she's learned about love from her relationship with Little Bee.