A Long Way from Chicago Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The best home-baker in the state of Illinois," Grandma said. "Him and me come up together out in the country, so I know."

Mrs. Weidenbach quaked. Even Mary Alice looked concerned.

"I'm a goner," said Grandma. (4.71-73)

The fact that Grandma knows her competitor makes the whole thing even more nerve-wracking. She knows that Mr. Pennypacker isn't some amateur baker. He's really good at what he does.

Quote #5

"Shoot," Mary Alice said. "After all that pie crust I rolled out." In a way I was relieved. But then I saw my one and only chance for a plane ride crash and burn. (4.88)

Joey is quite dismayed by the appearance of this other beautiful pie, too. He doesn't necessarily care about the pie contest, but he does want to get a ride in an airplane—which is the prize if Grandma Dowdel's pie wins.

Quote #6

"And I thought you'd switched the card on Mr. Pennypacker's pie with yours so you could win with his pie."

She shot me her sternest look. But then easing back in the platform rocker, she said, "I did." (4.129-130)

At the end of the day, Joey confronts Grandma about having switched the two pies before the competition. She admits that she did do that…and thus reveals that if she had just stuck with her own pie, she would have won first prize.