Looking for Alaska Minor Characters Quotes

"Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism each have founder figures—Muhammad, Jesus, and the Buddha, respectively. And in thinking about these founder figures, I believe we must finally conclude that each brought a message of radical hope. …And so that is the question I leave you with in this final: What is your cause for hope?" (122after.4)

The question the Old Man asks parallels the path Miles is taking in his grief, and this essay assignment allows Miles to recover some of that youthful optimism that he started the novel with. What are his causes for hope?

"I know it was y'all," said the Eagle.

We look at him silently. He often bluffed. Maybe he was bluffing.

"Don't ever do anything like that again," he said. "But, Lord, 'subverting the patriarchal paradigm'—it's like she wrote the speech." He smiled and closed the door. (102after.44-46)

The Eagle's no idiot; he knows exactly how the social order at the Creek functions. He's stepped back into his role as enforcer, but he also appreciates the tribute to Alaska. Is it likely that he will crack down on students because of his belief in what rules and order provide them, or will he allow students the same freedom as before?

When the firecrackers finished, I heard, "STOP OR I'LL CALL THE POLICE!" And though the voice was distant, I could feel his Look of Doom bearing down on me […]

The Colonel warned us about the police threat, told us not to worry. The Eagle didn't like to bring the police to campus. Bad publicity. (3before.61, 63)

We get a glimpse of how adults deal with the rules and order outside of campus. The Eagle preferring to police his campus without official police involvement? That sounds an awful lot like how the students police their own social realm through pranking without involving the Eagle. Even more dangerous for the Eagle is the empty threat he utters about the police—he's clearly threatened students with the police too often for them to believe his words, almost like the boy who cried wolf. Which makes us wonder how important rule enforcement really is to the Eagle.