A Mango-Shaped Space Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #1

Pretty soon, everyone forgot about that day. Everyone but me. I learned to guard my secret well. But now I'm thirteen. Everything is about to change. And there's nothing I can do to stop it. (Pro.19)

Ominous, much? We know that Mia has guarded her secret like the nuclear codes, but we're not so sure she needed to since when she finally tells her parents and Jenna, they all support her. In fact, they're upset she didn't tell them sooner. They love her just the way she is—colors or no colors.

Quote #2

The laughter of my classmates pops into my head. Freeeek. They made me question the first eight years of my life, and now this little boy is making me question the last five. If he isn't lying, if he really sees my name that way, then everything I thought I knew about myself is wrong. (2.93)

Everything changes when Mia meets Billy at the supermarket. She questions whether there are others like her out there, and wonders what it means if there are. Note how she says "everything" she knows about herself changes, as if being a synesthete is what makes her who she is.

Quote #3

I have to admit it isn't all bad. Kids who totally ignored me before are clamoring to talk to me now. It would be more rewarding if it didn't have the overtones of a circus sideshow. (6.4)

When everyone finds out Mia's secret, it's no biggie. Well, it is a big surprise, and everyone wants to know the color of their names, but no one mocks her or bullies her or anything. It seems like she's the only one who thinks of herself as a circus freak after all.