A Mango-Shaped Space Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #1

My best friend, Jenna Davis, as we climb farther down into the steep, parched ravine. We've been inseparable since we were five and her mother brought her to my house to play. We bonded over the various ways we could contort my Barbie and Ken dolls without breaking them. (1.1)

When you've been friends as long as Jenna and Mia have been, you have a lot of memories. On the list? Playing with Barbies back in the day. Mia tells us this in passing so we get just how long these girls have been by each other's sides—and it's a long time.

Quote #2

Before she died, Jenna's mom bought us the rope friendship bracelets that we have never taken off. She said that as long as we kept them on, nothing could come between us. (1.6)

The friendship bracelets Jenna and Mia wear are a big deal because they are a gift from Jenna's mom before she dies. But they are also symbolic of the girls' BFF status. The bracelets highlight the commitment they have to one another through thick and thin.

Quote #3

I watch her walk away. These visits are hard for her, no matter what she says. Or doesn't say. I hurry back to the house thinking of all the things we keep from other people. Even our best friends. (3.19)

Visiting her mom's grave, Jenna pretends to be strong, but Mia knows the truth (ahem, that it's really hard for her). It's telling that Mia thinks about the secrets we keep from friends, especially because she is holding a big one inside, too. It looks like lies are par for the course with friendship.