A Mango-Shaped Space Narrator:

Who is the narrator, can she or he read minds, and, more importantly, can we trust her or him?

First Person (Central)

Before we learn anything about Mia's boundary-blurring colors and sounds, we hear what it's like for her to deal with it when doing multiplication. "My mission was to multiply twenty-four times nine. I remember thinking that if I wrote slowly enough, the bell might ring before I could finish" (Pro.2). And you thought your math homework was tough.

We're intrigued and officially want to learn more about this narrator who has such a problem with multiplication. And luckily for us, Mia spills the deets, dishing her story in her own words. This is what we call a central narrator—the person who tells the story is actually in the thick of things. Telling us her story this way allows us to get to know Mia a lot better, plus we learn her secret before anybody else does. And we do like to know secrets.