A Mango-Shaped Space Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Chapter.Paragraph

Quote #1

Each year on Jenna's birthday, my mother sends her one of the packages in the mail. One of these years, the gifts are going to run out and that will be a very sad birthday indeed. (1.17)

Sigh. We think it's just about the sweetest thing ever that Jenna's mom went to all the trouble of writing her notes and buying her gifts so her daughter could have them long after she dies. It makes Mia realize just how lucky she is to have both of her parents around to give her their gifts and advice… even if they bug her sometimes.

Quote #2

We're not a very religious family, but where death is concerned, it pays to be open-minded. I try not to think about death too much. I'm not good with endings. They make me too sad. (1.22)

Death is hard to deal with, no matter what you believe—like Mia says, it's the end of an era. She has to overcome her grandpa's death, and it's tough since she was really close to the guy. It makes it better that he's still around in Mango (she believes), but it's still hard for her.

Quote #3

The whole family was standing around the grave, crying and holding hands, offering Grandpa up to heaven. Living in the country, we're used to offering small animals up to heaven, but then it's usually only Zack who's crying over the skunk or possum. (2.3)

Since Mia's family deals with death a lot, they come up with a way of paying tribute to people who have died. Sure, some of them (ahem, Zack) take it to heart more than others, but they all agree it's important to acknowledge death in a memorable way in order to heal from the loss.