Marked The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Please. Just please, Stevie Rae," Shaunee said, frowning through the smoke to Stevie Rae. "You can not be a vampyre and be afraid of ghosts." (23.52)

How much can we get our supernatural wires crossed? In a world with vampyres and magic, is there also room for ghosts? (Spoiler alert: Yes.) But then how do the two interact, if at all? We bet Zoey's going to learn more about the rest of the supernatural world before the series is done.

Quote #8

Incredibly, it seemed that I was suddenly surrounded by the four elements, that I was in the middle of a whirlpool made up of air and fire, water and earth. But it wasn't scary, not at all. (23.90)

In her first attempt at summoning the four elements to her own ritual circle, Zoey is totally successful. And as she discovers, it's a bit of a head rush. We imagine that it feels like being on a rollercoaster but with all of your senses turned on to full power simultaneously. Whatever it feels like, though, that's some powerful magic happening right there.

Quote #9

My head jerked up to see Aphrodite's body convulse as gray wisps seeped out of her. She let out a gasp that was a cross between a sob and a scream. The spirits, including the ones that had obviously been possessing her, rushed to the edge of the circle, pressing against it in an effort to break free and get to Heath. (28.28)

Well this is pretty creepy: Not only is Aphrodite possessed by the very spirits she summoned to honor on Samhain, but the spirits are also trying to break out of the ritual circle. Why? So they can feed on Heath and his tasty blood. We're guessing this doesn't normally happen at vampyre rituals, but we can't be sure since the supernatural world is as new to us as it is to Zoey.