Marked The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I should have probably been afraid of the odd sensations breaking over me, but they filled me with an almost unbearable lightness—I felt good! (15.76)

At Zoey's first Full Moon Ritual, she has these amazing and strange sensations all over her body. Nobody warned her about them, so she doesn't know whether it's normal to feel each element as it's invoked. When she finally talks to Stevie Rae about it, she's in for a shock because she learns that this affinity is incredibly rare.

Quote #5

"Close your eyes, Children of Nyx," Nefret said "and send a secret desire to your Goddess. Tonight, when the veil between the worlds is thin—when magic is afoot within the mundane—perhaps Nyx will grant your petitions and dust you with the gossamer mist of dreams fulfilled." (15.86)

During the Full Moon Ritual, Nefret directs the participants to send out a dream, wish, or prayer to Nyx. Sounds like magic to us. We're not so sure about that whole gossamer mist thing, though—that sounds kind of woo-woo.

Quote #6

"I don't think there's a record of any High Priestess who has had an affinity with all five elements." Damien's voice got more excited as he spoke. (22.37)

We've established that Damien is the smart kid of the group, so when he says that there haven't been any historical records of High Priestesses with affinities for all five elements, we're inclined to believe him. This means that not only is Zoey more powerful than she thinks, she's also pretty darn unique.