Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Until I stepped into that house, I could still turn and run, escape. Once I was in that house, it would be much harder. Call it a little quirk of my personality, but I tend to freak out if I feel trapped anywhere. We all do—the flock, I mean. Living in a cage during your formative years can do that. (29.11)

Max is weird about trusting people or putting herself into situations where she doesn't have a guaranteed out. And it's no wonder, really, since she's spent a lot of time in cages, and she's definitely not eager to do so again.

Quote #5

It seemed clear that they were looking for the rest of the flock. It didn't matter whether they wanted to kill them or only kidnap them: Capture was unthinkable. (32.3)

Going back to the School is basically the worst thing that any of the flock members can think of—they'd rather fight to the death than go back to that place. It must be a really awful place to inspire that much dread and fear.

Quote #6

"It's a microchip," she said hesitantly. "We put something similar into animals. To identify them in case they're lost. Yours looks like a, like the ones we use on really expensive pets, show dogs and such. They have a tracer in them in case they're stolen. They can be tracked, wherever they are." (41.32)

Uh-oh, that's not good. All this time, Max has believed that she's totally free of the School's grasp, but it turns out that she's wrong. She has a microchip implanted in her so that no matter where she goes, they can find her. What's up with that?