Maximum Ride: The Angel Experiment Freedom and Confinement Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What a touching scene," Ari called down at me. "We're all going home. Just like old times." (58.22)

Talk about a worst-case scenario. Max's whole plan to storm the School and rescue Angel is not going according to her plans, and it looks like she and her friends are going to be taken into custody by the horrible, no good Erasers.

Quote #8

All these animals, even though they were stuck in enclosure, probably bored out of their minds, possibly lonely, still had it so much better than we'd had it at the School. I felt edgy and angry, nervous, still coming off my adrenaline high after being chased by the Erasers. Seeing all these animals made me remember too much about when I was little, when I'd lived in a cage so small I couldn't stand up. (78.8)

It's hard for Max and Fang to enjoy going to the zoo when they relate more to the animals than to the human visitors. It's definitely no fun being kept in a cage, and Max is tempted to set all the creatures free.

Quote #9

Sometimes it felt as if we would never be free, be safe. Never, ever, as long as we lived. Which might not be that much longer, anyway. (96.24)

Even when they're not being kept in cages at the School, the flock members don't feel totally free. It's hard to just relax and enjoy your "freedom" when you're constantly being tracked and attacked by scary human-wolf hybrids, after all.