Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The whole thing started to get so big that I felt like I was inside it, even while I was still drawing. It was like Leo had said— I wasn't thinking anymore. I was just doing it, like the marker was just another part of me, and the lines and shapes and pictures were coming right out of my hand. It was an amazing feeling.

I totally lost track of time too. All of a sudden, the sun was coming up, and I was putting my finishing touches on everything. My arm was so tired that it felt like it was ready to fall off, but my brain was still buzzing like crazy. I
felt like I'd never go to sleep again in my life.

In fact, I was so into it, I never even heard the police car coming. (64.10-12)

This is Rafe's final masterpiece. His project to end the sixth grade at Hills Village Middle School. It needs to be big and, since he loves to draw, he knows it needs to be an art project. Rafe ends up doing a huge mural in marker on the wall. His teachers are less impressed by his artistry though…

Quote #8

"Airbrook could be a perfect environment for Rafe," Donatello said, and then she
looked right at me. "You'd have to take a longer bus ride, but I think you might like it there. The school is a combination of visual arts and academics, for nontraditional learners."

"What, like special ed?" I said.

"No," Donatello said. "It's a school for artists."

Now I started to get interested. (72.14-18)

A school for artists? That sounds like it's right up Rafe's alley. Sure, we're gonna guess they still have rules there (bet you can't go to class in your underwear), but spending all day drawing and painting sounds like it would be way more Rafe's thing.

Quote #9

"But you see, I've always known that Rafe is an artist at heart," Mom said. "It's in his blood. In fact, he's named for the great Rafael Sanzio of Urbino. I named all of my children after artists I admire. Rafe's sister is named for Georgia O'Keeffe." (73.11)

Art—it's a family affair. Not only does Mom love to paint, but she named her kids after artists. Rafe was destined to be an artist from birth. Airbrook here he comes.