Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life Art and Culture Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

"Maybe I could do a real mural too," I said. "With paint and everything. Something for the school, like, to say I'm sorry."

"Actually," Ms. Donatello said, "a project like that could make an excellent part of the application to Airbrook." She looked over at Dwight and Stricker. "That is, if we move ahead with this, of course."

At first, nobody else said anything. Then, finally, Mrs. Stricker kind of shrugged, and Mr. Dwight spoke up.

"It would have to be something appropriate. We'd need to see sketches before any paint goes on any walls."

"No problem," I said. (75.21-25)

Finally, a way for Rafe to use his powers for good instead of mischief. Artists sometimes struggle to find their way and Rafe is no different. In the end, he figures out the way to say he's sorry is by creating a new masterpiece as a parting gift before moving on to bigger and better things.