More Than Human Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I was going to discover something and bring it to humanity, not for humanity's sake, but so that they would [...] ask me to play the piano at the officers' club and slap me on the back and . . . look at me when I came in. That's all I wanted." (3.14.95)

Is Hip trying to win American Idol or what? On a more serious note (ha, ha), his drive for popularity stopped him from finding a higher purpose or ethos.

Quote #5

Define: Morals: Society's code for individual survival [...] Ethics: An individual's code for society's survival. (3.16.45-47)

This is Hip writing his own dictionary as he tries to figure out how to cure Gerry's childish vengefulness. In other words, morals are what groups instruct individuals to follow. Ethics are what individuals instruct groups to follow. Both, according to Hip, are for the sake of survival.

Quote #6

He has no society; yet he has. He has no species; he is his own species. Could he—should he chose a code that would serve all of humanity? (3.16.51-52)

Hip's brain is nearly blowing fuses at this point. As a gestalt life form, Hip reasons Gerry is above Homo sapiens, but he also realizes that both life forms are still part of the same society: humanity. What's a gestalt to do?