My Life in Dog Years Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

There was business in it, of course—it was work, and important—but there was affection as well. Rex obviously liked the cows and when Warren told me that Rex slept with them in the winter, curling up next to a cow in the barn to stay warm and cozy, I could see why when Rex looked at them it was with more than business in his eyes. (5.13)

Paulsen thinks that all this is more than just a job for Rex. He's doing it out of love.

Quote #5

This drive has brought me dozens of dogs and cats, a few ducks, some geese, a half dozen guinea pigs, an ocelot, several horses, two cows, a litter of pigs…one hawk, a blue heron, a large lizard, some dozen or so turtles, a porcupine, and God knows how many wounded birds; chipmunks, squirrels, and one truly evil llama […]. (6.4)

It sounds like Paulsen isn't just a dog person. He's an animal-lover through and through.

Quote #6

Because we didn't wish to become too attached to the meat supply, we simply called it Pig. (This didn't work, of course, and we wound up with a nearly quarter-ton pet named Pig who lived to be a ripe old age and died with his head in the trough, eating potato peelings.) (7.25)

Paulsen's heart is too big to be a livestock farmer. It's never a good idea to fall in love with your meat supply.