My Life in Dog Years Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Quincy greeted everybody with wiggles—he was always wonderfully affectionate—and I scooped him into my lap and fed him scraps while I ate and the conversation (as always) turned to dogs. (8.19)

Quincy the dog loved a lot of things. Chief among them: Paulsen's wife and ice cream sundaes from Dairy Queen.

Quote #8

He sits now as I write this, watching me, waiting, his brown eyes soft but alert, full of love but without nonsense, his black-and-white coat shining in the New Mexico sun streaming through the window. (9.1)

The author's love for his dog Josh, and vice-versa, is palpable in this sentence, which opens the final chapter.

Quote #9

Understand that I've had hundreds of dogs and loved them and, I hope, been loved by them, and I've been in God knows how many different kinds of situations with them, but I had never, ever seen anything like Josh. (9.17)

Do you think Paulsen ever met a dog he didn't like? (We're guessing no.) Still, a handful of them have an extra-special place in his heart.