The Pilgrim's Progress Section 3 Summary

  • Christian is approached by Evangelist and must admit to having been led astray by Mr. Worldly-Wiseman from his path to the Wicket Gate. Shamefully, he fully confesses what happened and how he was persuaded.
  • Evangelist lays out Mr. Worldly-Wiseman's M.O. to Christian—how he's really only interested in this world and avoiding hardship.
  • Cheifly, Evangelist tells Christian, Worldly Wiseman has misled him in three ways: 1) turning him from the original path to salvation, 2) trying to make him resent the burden on his back, and 3) putting him on the path toward damnation. Yikes.
  • Christian is very upset with himself and feels he must be condemned, but Evangelist counsels Christian to continue towards the little Wicket Gate and tells him there is still hope if he stays on the path.