Postcards from No Man's Land Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I shouldn't have mentioned it again. I only meant to say that Mother has always been a little full of secrets. And determined… stubborn, I should say, in her personality. Now it's even worse because the drugs they give to help her endure pain make her confused." (14.41)

Is this true? (See what we did there?) Tessel tells Jacob that Geertrui is losing her mind, but she's lucid enough to write a memoir and meet him in the nursing home without any mix-ups. Maybe this is just Tessel's way of dealing with her mom's illness.

Quote #8

Keeping a grip on himself, he decided that whatever he said, he wanted it to be true. Or at least, as true as words could be for an experience he hardly understood. (16.38)

We get the feeling that truth is subjective. Why else would he think he should tell Hille something "as true as words could be"? It's clear that sometimes words just can't live up to what's happening—it's as though they aren't truthful enough.

Quote #9

This was not an easy thing for her. But I have always believed it is best to know the truth, though it may be hard and hurts. I wanted my daughter to know the truth of her history. (19.33)

You can't handle her truth… or, Tessel can't anyway. Geertrui still thinks it's a good idea to tell her daughter where she really comes from and have it be difficult, than let her go on believing in an easy lie.