

Character Role Analysis

Pudd'nhead Wilson

It would be hard to find a protagonist who fits the bill better than Pudd'nhead Wilson. After seeing the raw deal he got from the townspeople who rush to judgment and brand him the town fool, we can't help but root for our underdog Pudd'nhead to prove them all wrong. Plus, he's a super likable guy, never becoming bitter over his sullied reputation or losing his cool when Tom tries to push him over the edge with his snarky comments. 

Like many protagonists, Pudd'nhead is also a character with a clear goal in sight. He works like crazy to prove that he deserves to be a lawyer even when the going gets super tough and the case he takes on looks hopeless. And thanks to his determination and hard work, he becomes a hero by solving the murder and taking down the baddest of bad guys.