Pudd'nhead Wilson Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Pudd'nhead Wilson.

Slavery Quotes

Over in the vacant lots was Jasper, young, coal-black, and of magnificent build, sitting on a wheelbarrow in the pelting sun—at work, supposably [sic], whereas he was in fact only preparing for i...

Race Quotes

[Roxy] had an easy, independent carriage—when she was among her own caste—and a high and 'sassy' way, withal; but of course she was meek and humble enough where white people were. (2.13)

Women and Femininity Quotes

A profound terror had taken possession of [Roxy]. Her child could grow up and be sold down the river! The thought crazed her with horror. (3.1)

Morality and Ethics Quotes

Was [Roxy] bad? Was she worse than the general run of her race? No. They had an unfair show in the battle of life, and they held it no sin to take military advantage of the enemy—in a small way;...

Foreignness Quotes

"Italians! How romantic! Just think, ma—there's never been one in this town, and everybody will be dying to see them and they're all ours!" (5.11)

Foolishness Quotes

But for an unfortunate remark of his, [Pudd'nhead] would no doubt have entered at once upon a successful career at Dawson's Landing. But he made his fatal remark the first day he spent in the villa...

Deception Quotes

[Percy Driscoll] was a fairly humane man toward slaves and other animals; he was an exceedingly humane man toward the erring of his own race. Theft he could not abide, and plainly there was a thief...

Courage Quotes

"I'll tell you why [Luigi killed the man], since he won't say himself," said Angelo, warmly. "He did it to save my life, that's what he did it for. So it was a noble act, and not a thing to be hid...