Pudd'nhead Wilson Resources


Wilson's Website

Yep, that's right: this book is cool enough to get its very own homepage.

The Story of His Life

Check to see if you're related to Mark Twain on this timeline of his life, publications, and genealogy.

In the Mood for More Mark?

Here are three books by Twain you can read online.

Twain Talk

Entertain your friends and family with these Twain quips.

Mark's Mind Game

Take a break from reading and play this memory-building game that Twain himself created.

Movie or TV Productions

Pudd'nhead Wilson Goes to the Movies

You probably won't fall asleep during this 1916 film version of the novel—it's only 50 minutes long.

Must-See TV

Pudd'nhead, Tom, and Roxy bring their drama to the small screen in an American Playhouse TV production (1984).

Articles and Interviews

Let's Talk Twain

Rudyard Kipling (author of The Jungle Book) lights up a cigar and chats with Twain in this interview.

Nobody "Likes" Twain?

Find out why Mark Twain would be banned from Facebook if he were around today.


Home Sweet Home

Check out Twain's digs.


Have You Heard the Story of Pudd'nhead Wilson?

Sit back and listen to the audio version of Pudd'nhead Wilson.


Portrait of a Pudd'nhead

Check out the novel's original illustrations.

What a Character

Life magazine's images of Twain (they're pretty funny).