Pulp Fiction Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Pulp Fiction.

Quote #4

BUTCH: If you had a pot belly, I'd punch you in it.

FABIENNE: You'd punch me in my belly?

BUTCH: Right in the belly.

FABIENNE: I'd smother you. I'd drop it right on your face 'til you couldn't breathe.

Butch and Fabienne are just joking around, flirting with each other. Contextually it's all fun and games but it's interesting how violent imagery has seeped into Butch's love life. He's a fighter—he punches people for a living.

Quote #5

(After Brett is killed, the guy hiding with a gun in the bathroom bursts through the door screaming "Die you m***********s! Die!" while unloading his revolver at them. He misses every shot and after a moment of shock from Vincent and Jules, they return fire, killing him.)

We never really find out who these kids are, but they were in way over their heads dealing with a gangster like Marsellus. The kid who bursts out of the bathroom, firing away, is beyond in over his head thinking he can take on professional killers. We guess he figured it was his only option after hearing all the gunshots. Jules and Vincent coolly gun him down.

Quote #6

(The rape scene.)

This is by far the most disturbing scene in a movie where some other very disturbing things happen. Part of what makes it so violent is that the victim is the mysterious gang boss that has seemed all-powerful and untouchable up until Butch almost runs him over. Both Butch and Marsellus seem indestructible until they're degraded in the worst way possible, completely helpless against the sexual violence of the deranged Zed and Maynard.