Punkzilla Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

She had a lot of peach fuzz on her cheeks and I wondered if her hormones were messed up like maybe she burped a lot or could grow a circus beard. (5.45)

Jamie describes Mags as "pale and skinny," so the peach fuzz on her cheeks could be lanugo, a sign of anorexia.

Quote #5

His hand was big and hairy. Up close he had one of those faces that seems young and old at the same time like a shop teacher or some guy who owns a store where you take broken-down kitchen appliances. (5.53)

What is it about being able to build and/or fix things that would make you look young and old at the same time? We're not sure, but Jamie could be drawing from past experience here. In case you hadn't noticed, there's a fair bit of free association in Punkzilla.

Quote #6

There's this really old lady in the front seat whose one eye keeps leaking. I don't think it's tears it's more like some liquid form of LIFE leaving her. (8.3)

Chronic physical illness can indeed make people look like the living dead; it's one more way life can beat you down. Now go eat your vegetables and visit your ophthalmologist.